Youth Action is a proactive group of students who are dedicated to raising awareness of the issues that youth face in our community. This is a student lead, adult supported, committee that meets weekly to discuss current topics and issues that affect their lives in and out of school.
This dynamic group of young people are the youth voice of RCFY who work together to identify needs for change, find effective ways to communicate the issues, and work to develop solutions that will connect with their peers to create positive change. It’s kids helping kids. They work to promote positive, healthy behaviors and carry out events that are beneficial to their community.
Does your child attend a charter school, home school, or the school in a neighboring community? All students are welcome to be part of the Raymond Coalition For Youth! You only need to be in the 6th-12th grade and have a desire to help promote positive healthy choices for Youth! RCFY is for everyone!
If you are a student who is interested in being a part of RCFY Youth Action which is held at Raymond High School or the Iber Holmes Gove Middle School, I have added a link for easy registration. This can be dropped off at the school, our office at 66 Main Street in Raymond, or sent by email at
2025 Youth Action Registration Packet
Raymond Coalition For Youth – Youth Action students want to remind adults that it is illegal to provide alcohol to anyone under the age of 21. This message is an important reminder during the holiday season when families will be gathering for parties.
New Hampshire is in the middle of an opioid, heroin, fentanyl, and prescription drug crises but alcohol continues to be the most commonly misused substance amongst people of all ages. Alcohol is easy to get too. Many teens’ report-having adults who share alcohol with them. Some parents offer it to teens as long as they are at home with them. This sends mixed messaging to kids and it’s not a good idea because at some point your kids will not be at your home, but will still think it is okay to drink because you did not have a problem with it when they were with you. Kids need to have clear rules and boundaries. It is illegal to drink alcohol under the age of 21 because it is dangerous to their developing brain and they are not equipped to make mature decisions to keep themselves and others safe.
Youth Action members want Buyers to Beware, it is illegal to provide alcohol to anyone under the age of 21 and is punishable by up to a $2,000 fine and a year in jail.
If you hear of an underage drinking party contact the parents of the home where it is supposed to be happening because they might not even know about it. If you are not comfortable with reaching out to them yourself, contact your local police so they can follow up. This is not about minding your own business, it is about keeping kids safe and saving lives.

RCFY Youth Action Meetings are open for all Middle School and High School age students to share their voice, thoughts, and ideas to support healthy peer behaviors and to strengthen our community. Now that meetings are virtual meetings include students who are home schooled and go to private schools who typically have a challenge with transportation. Each group, at their respective age level continues to grow and gets stronger with numbers. We are lucky to have such passionate, caring students that strive to make a difference within their community.
If you are interested in joining Youth Action please talk to any of these students, or contact our Program Coordinator Pamela, and they will be happy to make sure you feel comfortable attending your first meeting.
Please feel free to browse our website to see the huge role that youth play in our programs and events!
Iber Holmes Gove Middle School (IHGMS) Youth Action – The purpose of our group is to empower the youth within the community to make positive, healthy choices, and raise awareness and reduce the negative impacts of drugs and alcohol use among their peers. We talk about issues that are important in their lives and ways we can make positive changes in our community. Throughout the year we participate in several events, workshops, and activities that strengthen these messages.
Some of which include, but are not limited to:
- Operation Raymond Clean Up,
- Kick Butts Day,
- Granite Youth Alliance Film Festival
- Red Ribbon week,
- Grim Reaper Day,
- Food Drives,
- and more!

Middle School Youth Action selling refreshments at the Town Deliberative Session on February 1, 2020
Here is the IHGMS Youth Action 2019 film submission to the Granite Youth Alliance Film Festival, "Not Just Vapor":
View what the 2019 Youth Action Lite Students were Thankful For:
Some activities include, but are not limited to:
- Sticker Shock,
- Red Ribbon week,
- High School Clean up day,
- Fine Fettle Fate Fare,
- Participating in town and state legislative processes
- and more!
Twice a year, usually during the Holiday Season and Prom and Graduation season, the Raymond Coalition for Youth’s High School Youth Action group elects to participate in the NH Liquor Enforcement Buyers Beware state strategy program called Sticker Shock. This sends an important message to adults about underage drinking.
Underage drinking is an identified area of concern for RCFY and this activity aims to reduce underage drinking by limiting youth access to alcohol. The goal is to spread awareness to adults who might not know that it is illegal to provide alcohol to youth under the age of 21. During our Sticker Shock events, youths place warning stickers on multi-packs of beer, wine coolers and other alcoholic beverages at a local retailer in Raymond, NH. The sticker warns that it is illegal to provide alcohol to minors and is punishable by up to a year in jail and a $2,000 fine.
Project Sticker Shock is a youth-led initiative to change adult attitudes about selling and providing alcohol to minors. “A strong community message is sent when a business like Hannaford takes responsibility for speaking out against underage drinking,” said RCFY's Youth Program Coordinator. “It also helps re-enforce the message to adults in the community that our youth care about each other, and are committed to helping make positive choices when they see them actively participating in initiatives like Sticker Shock around Raymond.” When Youth Action members were asked how they felt about being part of the event, one response was: “It feels good to know that we are part of helping our community to keep kids safe.”
Every 49 minutes, a life is lost in the United States due to an impaired driving accident. On June 2nd, 2011, student members of Youth Action at Raymond High School staged a Grim Reaper event to help raise awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving. A student was pulled from class every 49 minutes and had their face painted white with a single tear. RHS students were asked to think about what it would be like if these students really were victims of an impaired driver. (2011 Data)