We have provided a list of local, state and national resources below. This is updated regularly to make sure the information is correct.
Please note the new 988 Suicide Prevention number. This is to access help and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health or substance misuse crisis please use the Rapid Response number. You can access these services via nh988.com or by calling or texting 988.
If you still need information or have questions after reading through the information below, please contact our office.603.895.7061 info@rcfy.org
Raymond School District SAP (Student Assistant Person)
Ms. Cosgriff's Introduction Letter.
Ms. Medrano's Monthly Newsletter.

Please use the following access information as needed:
- National Suicide Prevention Life Line Dial or text 988 suicidepreventionlifeline.org
- 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, call or text 988: Free and confidential support is available 24/7 for people in distress, including prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.988lifeline.org
- Unite Us New Hampshire, search local resources - https://newhampshire.uniteus.com/
- Abusive relationship - loveisrespect.org/dating-basics/should-we-break-up
- Child abuse help hotline - www.childhelp.org/childhelp-hotline/
- Child abuse and childhood trauma information & resources - www.nctsn.org/trauma-types/physical-abuse
- Crisis text line- Need to Vent? text HOME to 741741 or www.crisistextline.org/
- Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800--985-5990: National hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling 24/7 for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. For additional information samhsa.gov
- Eating Disorder Hotline - www.bulimia.com/topics/eating-disorder-hotline/
- Find your calm – improve your health & happiness - CALM.COM
- HAVEN, Domestic & Sexual Assault support services- 603-994-7233 havennh.org
- I AM ALIVE - Online Crisis Network - https://www.imalive.org/
- LBGTQ and Crisis Hotlines and Services - https://ostem.org/page/crisis-hotlines
- Local Mental Health Emergency services, Seacoast Mental Health 1-603-772-2710
- My Life My Quit NH (MLMQ) For NH Youth ages 12-17
- National Alliance Mental Illness – naminh.org 1-800-242-6264
- National domestic abuse hotline - https://www.thehotline.org/
- National Maternal Mental Health , call or text 1-833-9-HELP4MOMS (1-833-943-5746): Free 24/7 confidential support, resources and referral to pregnant and postpartum mothers facing mental health challenges (and their loved ones) Hotlinemchb.hrsa.gov
- NH Department of Health & Human Services, Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Program: NH Department of Health & Human Services, Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Program
- NH Department of Education, Office of Social and Emotional Wellness, Professional Development and Community Education by topic. NH Department of Education, Office of Social and Emotional Wellness
- QuitNow NH NH residents 18+
- Sexual Assault, Rape, Abuse, Incest Support Resources and Hotline - rainn.org/
- Sexual Violence Resource Center - https://www.nsvrc.org/find-help
- Survivors of Incest Anonymous/Childhood Sexual Abuse - siawso.org/
- The Trevor Project, 1-866-488-7386: A national 24-hour, toll-free confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth offers a safe and judgment-free place to talk to a trained counselor. thetrevorproject.org
- Trans Lifeline, 1-877-5658860: The hotline is staffed by transgender people for transgender people. translifeline.org
- Vaping Prevention Catch My Breath , drugfree.org, Tobacco Free Kids.org
- Tobacco Free Environments NASBE State Policy database-
- Verbal Abuse Resources- healthyplace.com/abuse/verbal-abuse/what-is-verbal-abuse
- Veterans Crisis Line, call 1-800-273-8255 or text 838255: Veterans and their loved ones can receive confidential support 24/7. Support for the deaf and hard of hearing is available. veteranscrisisline.net
- nh988.com, 1-833-710-6477 (call or text): If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health and/or substance use crisis, call and speak to trained clinical staff from mental health centers in your community who can help access vital resources in an emergency.
If you or someone you know struggles with substance misuse or addiction there is access to treatment and recovery support services for individuals and family members. Please visit www.rcfy.org/resources or DHHS Recovery Support Services or find resources at Unite Us. You may contact our office too for support with this process.
Local Assistance
Emergency: Call or Text 911
Mental Health Emergency: Call or Text 988
Raymond Fire Department: 1 Scribner Rd, Raymond, NH 03077. 1(603) 895-3321
Raymond Police Department: 1 Scribner Rd #3, Raymond, NH 03077, 1(603) 895-4747
Town Offices
Town Clerk/Tax Collector windows hours are as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8:00am-12:30pm / 1:30pm-4:15pm, Thursday: 1:00pm – 6:00pm, Friday: 8:00am-12:30pm / 1:30pm-4:15pm
Town Clerk: 1(603) 895-7025, 1(603) 895-7025, 1(603) 895-7026
Tax Collector: 1(603) 895-7060
Raymond Recreation Dept
Recreation Office hours are as follows: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
Michelle Weaver Recreation Director: mweaver@raymondnh.gov 1 (603) 895-7031
Tammy Reardon Asst. Rec Director: treardon@raymondnh.gov 1 (603) 895-7030
Kelly Giberson Recreation Asst.: kgiberson@raymondnh.gov 1 (603).895-7031
Lyndze Priebe Youth Sports & Special Events: lpriebe@raymondnh.gov 1 (603) 895-7032
Raymond Area Chamber of Commerce: 64 Freetown Rd, Raymond NH 03077 1(603) 895-2254
President: Alissa Welch, Alissa Lauren Real Estate @ KWCR president@raymondareachamber.com
Dudley Tucker Library: 6 Epping St, Raymond, NH 03077, Main Desk- 1 (603) 895-7057, Children's Rm.1(603) 895-7058
Hours are as follows: Monday 12:00 - 8:00, Tuesday 10:00 - 8:00, Wednesday 10:00 - 5:00, Thursday 12:00 - 8:00, Friday 10:00 - 5:00
Ray-Fre Senior Center: 64 Main St, Raymond, NH 03077, 1(603) 895-3258
Hours are as follows: Monday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m., Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.,
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
American Red Cross: https://nhredcross.org 1(603)225-6697
Raymond School District
Lamprey River Elementary: 1 (603) 895-3117
Iber Holmes Gove Middle School: 1 (603) 895-3394
Raymond High School:1 (603) 895-6616
21st Century After School Program: 1 (603) 895-3394 X 4308
Blocks To Books: 129 Route 27 Raymond, NH 03077, 1(603) 895-5323
Little friends early learning center: 77 Main St, Raymond, NH 03077, 1(603) 244-2132
Play, Laugh & Grow LLC: 9 Essex Dr, Raymond, NH 03077, 1(603) 244-3900
Raymond Head Start: 108 Fremont Rd, Raymond, Town of, NH 03077 1(603) 244-2937
Educational Resources:
21st Century After School Program: 1(603) 895-3394 x 4308
Exeter Adult Education: 30 Linden St, Exeter, NH 03833, 1(603) 775-8457
Job Corps: 943 Dunbarton Rd, Manchester, NH 03102, 1(800)733-5627
Salvation Army: 121 Cedar St, Manchester, NH 03101, 1(603) 627-7013
YMCA: 550 Peverly Hill Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801, 1(603) 431-2334
Family Support:
Big Brothers Big Sisters: 3 Portsmouth Avenue #2, Stratham, NH 03885, 1(603) 430-1140
Catholic Charities: 100 William LOEB DRIVE, UNIT 3, Manchester, NH 03109, 1(603) 669-3030
Waypoint: 464 Chestnut St., P.O. Box 448, Manchester, NH 03105, 1(603) 518-4000
Division of Children, Youth & Families: 1(603) 433-8300
The Family Support Warm Line can be reached toll-free at 1-800-640-6486, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call the DCYF Central Intake line at (603) 271-6562 or toll-free (in state) at (800) 894-5533.
Families in Transition: 122 Market St. Manchester NH, 03101, 1(603) 641-9441
Parent Information Center: 54 Old Suncook Rd, Concord, NH 03301 1(800) 947-7005 (NH only) 1(603) 224-7005
Early Intervention Center, Waypoint at the Ritchie McFarland Children’s Center NH: 11 Sandy Point Rd, Stratham, NH 03885, 1(603) 518-4002
Rockingham Community Action: 55 Prescott Rd, Raymond, NH 03077, 1(603) 895-2303
Rockingham VNA and Hospice: 5 Alumni Drive, Exeter, New Hampshire 03833, 1(603) 772-2981
Samaritan Hotline: 1(603) 622-3836
State Office for Veterans Assistance: 1(603) 624-9230 VA customer Service Center : 1(800) 827-1000.
For Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Resources please visit here
Raymond High School Students and Families - If you are concerned about yourself, or any other student, regarding substance misuse or other issues that impact a students success, assistance is available to you, your family, friend or neighbors, right at the school. Contact our office, or the school directly, to learn more about these services.
The Truth About ACEs: Learn about what Adverse Childhood Experiences are and the impact they have. View the video presentation from our October 11, 2018, monthly meeting, by the Manchester Adverse Childhood Experiences Support Team
Assistance & Resources by Category
DCYF (NH Department of Health and Human Services, Division for Children, Youth & Families): to report abuse, call: (800) 894-5533
Haven NH - Providing support services and prevention education to those impacted by domestic and sexual violence.
NH Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence:
24-Hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline: (866) 644-3574,
24-Hour Domestic and Sexual Assault Hotline: (603) 224-8893
Alcoholics Anonymous: (603) 622-6967, (800) 593-3330, e-mail: office@nhaa.net
Al-Anon / Alateen: If you have someone you know or love and their drinking is affecting you, Al-Anon can help, (877) 825-2666, or (603) 369-6930 (answering service). Click the picture below for a current list, as of November 2019, of Al-Anon meetings in NH, which includes Alateen meetings also.
Alcohol Addiction Resource Center
Join the Conversation: Keep Children Alcohol Free
Narcotics Anonymous (NA): Program focuses on addiction, obsessive-compulsive behavior and recovery from it, not drug-specific. Call: (603) 645-4777, List of local meetings in the seacoast area.
NH Drug and Alcohol Treatment Locator: Offers substance misuse information
NH State Services- Information, Referrals and Resources: Call or Text 2-1-1
Headrest - (603)-448-4872 ext. 115
Easter Seals: (603) 623-8863
Rockingham Community Action: 55 Prescott Rd, Raymond: (603) 895-2303
Southern New Hampshire Services, Inc.: Toll-Free: (800) 322-1073 | Local: (603) 668-8010 | Hearing Impaired: (800) 877-8339
Catholic Charities of NH: (603) 669-3030 (800) 562-5249
Waypoint , (603) 668-6260 , (603) 518-4002 (800) 640-6486
LifeStance Health Counseling Center: NH (603)-713-5661
The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester: (603) 668-4111
NAMI New Hampshire InfoLine (800) 242-6264, message info@NAMINH.org
Seacoast Mental Health: Providing Hope. Promoting Recovery: (603) 772-2710
911 Police, fire or emergency medical assistance from any phone in any location.- Text or Call 911
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Call or Text or chat , The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones,
Seacoast Outright: (603) 552-5824
Headrest -603-448-4400
National Eating Disorders Association Helpline: (866) 662-1235
Project Heal: Project HEAL provides access to healing for all people with eating disorders.
Addiction Policy Forum: Addiction Policy Forum is working to eliminate addiction as a major health problem in the following areas: Helping Patients and Families in Crisis, Improving Treatment, Prevention, Raising Awareness and Promoting Education and Advocacy.
Children's Hospital at Dartmouth: Teen driver website is www.nhteendrivers.com, and traffic safety website is www.trafficsafety4nh.org.
Dudley Tucker Library (Raymond): (603) 895-7057
Family Resource Connection, NH Children's Behavioral Health Collaborative: (800) 298-4321
Families First: Support for families...health care for all, (603) 422-8208
Raymond Head Start: (603) 244-2937
Salvation Army (Manchester area): (603) 627-7013
Seacoast School of Technology: (603) 775-8461
YMCA (Exeter): (603) 642-3361
NH Employment Security - Services for Job Seekers
NH Employment Security, Manchester office: (603) 627-7841
NH Works
The Raymond School District is offering free emergency breakfast & lunch meals to K-12 students in our community during school's closure due to COVID-19:
Raymond Food Pantry, 55 Prescott Rd., Raymond, NH: (603) 895-2303
Seacoast Family Food Pantry: (603) 436-0641
NH Food Stamp Program: (800) 852-3345, ext. 9700, 1-603-271-9700
Women, Infants & Children (WIC): (800) 256-9880
NH Housing: (800) 640-7239
Families in Transition New Horizon- Soup Kitchen: tel:603-668-1877 ext.122
Families Anonymous: (800) 736-9805
Families First: Support for families...health care for all, (603) 422-8208
Keep Hope Alive Family Support Group (Raymond): Ann (603) 731-4227 or Tom (603) 731-1523
Rockingham Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice Care: (603) 778-7311 or for intake (603) 580-8922
UNH Cooperative Extension: (603) 862-1520
Waypoint (formerly Child & Family Services) Parent Line: (603)-518-4000, (603) 772-3786
Consumer Credit - Credit Counseling Professionals: (800) 769-3571
Health & Human Services (844) 275-3447
Southern NH Services, Inc. - The Community Action Program for Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties: (800) 322-1073
Step Up Parents - Step Up Parents provides financial assistance to kinship caregivers in New Hampshire who are raising the children of parents with substance use disorder. (603) 319-4739
Families First: Support for families...health care for all, (603) 422-8208
Grandparent and Caregiver support
NH Children's Trust Navigation Guide (603) 224-1279
Grandparents and Relatives Raising Children
Through the NH Family Caregiver Support Program eligible grandparents and relatives can receive respite services such as in-home childcare, after school programs and camps. There are limited funds for items such as school clothing and supplies.
For more information contact ServiceLink toll free at: 1 (866) 634-9412.
Lamprey Health Care: (603) 895-3351
New Hampshire Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP): Contact the DHHS Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-844-ASK-DHHS (1-844-275-3447)
Nurse Advice Line: (844) 265-1278, TDD/TTY (855) 742-0123
Medicaid NH: (800) 852-3345
Cross Roads House, Portsmouth: (603) 436-2218 (available 24/7)
Families in Transition: (603) 641-9441
Manchester Housing & Redevelopment Authority, Manchester: (603) 624-2100
My Friend’s Place, Dover: (603) 749-3017
New Generation, Greenland, (Pregnant women/Mothers with children only): (603) 436-4989
New Horizons For New Hampshire - Angie's Shelter For Women (for Women): (603) 668-8698
New Horizons For New Hampshire - New Horizons: (603) 668-1877
NH Legal Assistance: (800) 562-3174
NH Legal Aid Programs (800) 639-5290
NHBA Lawyer Referral Service - Full Fee Program (LRS-FF)
LRS-FF provides attorney referrals for those who can afford to pay for legal services at standard attorney rates. Contact us at (603) 229-0002.
NH Judicial Branch Self-Help Center (603) 224-3333.
Emergency: 9-1-1
NH State Services: 2-1-1
Raymond Fire Department: (603) 895-3321
Raymond Police Department: (603) 895-4747
American Red Cross NH/VT: 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767), 1(603)225-6697
Northern New England Poison Control: (800) 222-1222
Greater Raymond Area Chamber of Commerce: (603) 895-2254
Exeter Health Center: (603) 772-9315
Lamprey Healthcare: (603) 895-3351
Joan G. Lovering Health Center: (603) 436-7588
New Generation: (603) 436-4989
Families First: Support for families...health care for all, (603) 422-8208
Parent Line - Waypoint (formerly Child & Family Services): (800) 640-6486, (603) 518-4000
Parent Information Center: (800) 947-7005, (603) 224-7005
Northern New England Poison Control: (800) 222-1222
Addiction Recovery Services – Evidence-based treatment for substance use and co-occurring mental health symptoms. Portsmouth and Salem, NH locations. Intensive Outpatient Programs and Aftercare offered. Greenland office (603) 433-6250, Intake and admissions: (978) 926-3462
Crossroads Recovery Center is located in Salem, NH. You can contact their office at (603) 912-4490, or (603)475-7388 9:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. After hours as needed. You may also visit their website for more information.
Hope for NH Recovery: (603) 935-7524
The Farnum Center: Their Misson - "Helping individuals and families find their way to a life free of the effects of alcohol and other drugs through comprehensive treatment and recovery services open to all." Locations in Franklin and Manchester, NH. Contact: 1-888-840-4243. 1 (603) 622-2030
GateHouse Treatment: GateHouse Treatment is one of the leading drug rehabs in NH. The drug treatment center is located in beautiful Nashua, New Hampshire, conveniently minutes from downtown Nashua. Their drug rehab in Nashua is an intimate setting with very individualized and focused care. For 24/7 Treatment Help, call: (855) 448-3588.
Persist: A program for pregnancy and postpartum substance use disorder. Visit their website, or contact 978-992-8010.
National Runaway Safeline: (800) 786-2929, 1 (800) Runaway
Seacoast Outright: (603) 431-1013 Youth Programing: (978) 561-6201 Parent /Guardian/ Caregiver support (978) 806-2979
The Trevor Project: (212) 695-8650
NH DHHS STD Prevention Program / Resources for health care providers : 1 (603) 271-4496
HIV/AIDS Hotline In New Hampshire: 800-852-3345 ext. 4502
SHELTERS (See Housing above)
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Call or Text 988 the Lifeline anytime, 24/7
The 988 Lifeline is a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States.
Hampstead Hospital: 218 East Road, Hampstead, NH, 03841 Phone: (603) 329-5311
Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester: (603) 668-4111, Mobile Crisis Response: (800) 688-3544
Parkland Medical Center Behavioral Health Services, 24/7 Crisis and Referral Line: (603) 433-5270
Portsmouth Regional Hospital Behavioral Health Services: (603) 433-4980
Tobacco, Nicotine, and Vaping
Breathe NH: (603) 669-2411, (800) 835-8647
NH Community Tobacco Resources & Partners
Quit Now NH: (800) 879-8678 (Quit Line)
TREATMENT: Visit our Treatment/Recovery Resources page
Additional Resources below include; the Unite Us resource tool as well as "Talk They Hear You" Screen4Success , a user-friendly screening tool for you and those you care for. Specifically, it provides a better understanding of personal health, wellness, and well-being.